Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bartonella treatment update for the tots and I. ooops forgot to finish this post

Just realized I had posted an unfinished entry so forgive me for the time waste.  My brain is not working currently and I have the attention span of a gnat.  Here is the finished update. =)

So we are going on month 2 of Bartonella tx with the Rifampin.  I am officially off any pain management outside of ice, heat, epsom baths, muscle relaxer and Clonazepam.  I have imitrex for my migrains and Metoclopramide for nausea.  I am still on 150mg of Rifampin ramping up to every 2-3 nights in a row instead of every other day and hoping to it isn't going to catch up with me.  I have vowed this time I will not let the meds throw me into complete disabling herxes that leave me unable to take care of my kids for days on end.  So far I have been in a state of walking dead fatigue,  complete hopeless dispair, anxiety, thoughts of ending my life, joint & bone & muscle pain, neck and shoulder pain.  However...I think this Rifampin might actually be helping a hair.  Some things that have changed since starting tx 10 months ago is that I can sleep a little better and my migraines have decreased.  I still have my 27/7 headache and neck pain but the kick in the ass migraines have decreased from daily to 2-3 a week.  I was taking the Imitrex every day but now can actually miss some days if I take care not to push myself.

I have not resumed my coffee enemas due to feeling too crappy to care for myself.