Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spirochetes are wreaking havoc in my body.

Sigh...got more crazy news from one of my docs. First my liver is tanking and now my thyroid is on the fritz. This Lymes is wreaking havoc in my organs, not to mention my brain. I know for certain I never want to have Alzheimers because I have gotten a special preview of what that will be like. Terrible! The Lymes has also gone into my brain, causing confusion, loss of short term memory, brain fog, etc. I literally can get lost in my own house. I can't tell you how many times I find myself in the hall, or in a room staring at the shelves or wall and wondering what I am doing and why.  My favorite to date is being naked following a shower and having no idea what I was supposed to do next.  I have stopped driving for the most part because I become confused and don't know where I am...pretty freaky feeling. On my good days I will only drive local, places I know really well. Hard to have conversations with people because I can't remember names, or recall what I was even going to say. The worst part is that I will completely forget everything I said, or did, or who I talked to, or where I went, etc, after a few days. I take a lot of pictures these days to help me remember things I have done. It is frustrating. My phone's calander alarm is going off every 15 minutes to remind me of what I am supposed to do during the day...husband hates my phone alarm!...I am starting to, too now. My baby, turning 2 next month so really not a baby anymore, is starting to show some of the same neurological problems that we noticed with my 3yr old when she was first learning to walk, which was mainly gross motor delay issues and weakness with her legs.  Then came the falling flat on her face everytime she tried to walk fast or run.  The started to get pretty serious after awhile so we finally brought her to a Neurologist at Children's who told me that he was positive that she had mild Cerebral Palsy. He was shocked that her MRI was clean of any abnormalities. Turns out, she has Lymes Disease.  It scares me because Lymes can take kids and adults down overnight - all of the sudden they have paralysis in hours. I have to keep breathing or the fear of it all will consume me. There is such a feeling of panic knowing that it is a ticking time bomb and you never know what or where it is going to attack next, or how bad. I try not to get hung up on the increasing issues that my kids are having...but I want them to be in remission, and I want them to be in remission now, NOW, NOW! Kudos to all the parents out there who have kids with health issues because it is a gut wrenching, hard, helpless feeling road to go.  Peace

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