Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why I love paying for an insurance that won't insure.

After having my insurance deny a crucial antibiotic Mepron, aka liquid gold, that I need to fight the Babesiosis (a common bacterial coinfection of Lyme's Disease).  I took another slew of additional tests that they demanded after the slew of tests I already took and now they have finally come around.  Happy day!  I just got a call from my pharmacist, that I call Shaggy because he looks just like a total stoner crossed with Shaggy from Scooby Doo, and he said that my insurance is finally going to cover one of the most expensive meds in my treatment  and I am freaking elated beyond belief. So instead of $1000, I will only have to pay $75 every month...which brings our total monthly RX bills to $200! ZOIKS! 

The sad part is that this is the cheapest cost of my treatment.  I think we pay something like $100-$300 every other month in supplements, and $350-$600 every other month for our LLMD.  Another $150-$300 a month for the docs I have to see in order to get my pain meds and other non pain meds.  This is not counting the lost wages for my husband or parents when they have to take care of my kids because I cannot do it, or the daycare costs when I am too sick to be a proper mother and everyone else has to work, and nor does it count all the wasted money on ER and UC visits that you rack up, when you are herxing so bad you think you are dying, even though you know they are not going to help you but you go anyway because, even though they will treat you like shit, they will at least have to save you if you are dying, right?  My last ER visit the doc wouldn't even come in the room to give me an EKG because I mentioned Lymes disease and they think I am a crackpot.  We ended up just walking out after a few hours so I never found out if my heart was okay.  You see, you really need to be rich to have Lyme's Disease in my opinion....too bad we are not.

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